4nrg’s Weblog

October 20, 2007

Fit & Fab at Forty

Filed under: Goals — Tags: — SAM @ 5:35 pm

Today, I promise myself to become very strong again. (As you may know, I distinguished myself once before by winning the light-weight powerlifting contest in Kingston, Jamaica, a few years ago.)

I am already fab and fit at forty (40). Soon, I’ll take new pictures, scan old images and then post photos in this web log to prove it.

This blog will provide information about how to maximize fitness and energy, given limited time. Fitness includes five components: cardio-respiratory fitness, muscle strength, muscular endurance, flexibility and body composition. Body composition is a term that describes the amount of muscles, fat, and water in the body. [For example, you can talk about endomorphs (fat bodies), ectomorphs (thin bodies), and mesomorphs (muscular bodies).] So technically, according to the experts, your shape or size is one aspect of your fitness level. I was surprised by this five-fold definition of fitness when I was enrolled in the course to become a certified fitness trainer last year at the Caribbean Fitness Academy.

The key is to know what works, and then work with what you know – to achieve the results you desire.

Energy can be enhanced by lifestyle choices; healthy eating patterns, regular physical activity, sufficient rest, and stress management contribute to the level of energy or fatigue experienced every day. Honestly, I still don’t have as much energy as I would like this month, but things really have – on average – changed significantly for the better. I will share a little of what I’ve learned about improving energy levels in future posts.

Want to join me in my quest to be in shape? Do you want more energy? Do you want to gain or maintain heart health? Or do you share my goal to lift more than ever in the gym? Let’s figure it out together. (Did you notice my deliberate play on words? Just wondering.)

Are you inspired to action yet? First, write down your goals. A vision of the future can be quite motivating; some persons even recommend creating a vision board with pictures and/or creating a printed plan that you place somewhere (in a place at home or work) that you visit often, e.g on your fridge, bedroom wall or cubicle space saver, as a visual reminder to yourself. Second, plan how it will work. Your plan should be SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound) so that it will fit into your everyday life. Third, act on your plan.

To reiterate, plan your workouts. Then work (out) your plan. As Herbalife says, “Dream it. Do it.”

Don’t forget the role of nutrition in the mix. Consider using ShapeWorks products from Herbalife daily to help you reach your targets, sooner rather than later. Check out the web site for Herbalife International http://www.herbalife.com to learn about products for weight management as well as energy and fitness; they are really working for me. Or browse my other blog  http://myhlf.blogspot.com to learn about the Herbalife Business Opportunity, if you are interested in earning extra income, helping others reach their fitness and wellness goals.

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